Pepinos Locos (Crazy Cucumbers) Snack Recipe

Today I’m sharing with you one of my favorite snacks that I like to prepare for those days when I’m at the studio all day painting. 

This Mexican snack is very simple to make and is the perfect treat for a midday break. 

This Pepinos Locos cucumber recipe is not for sensitive stomachs!


1 medium sized cucumber

10 Pulparindos 

Preferred Toppings:
Choose your favorite toppings. In this recipe we used:

-Skwinkles Salsaghetti 



-Chilito Sirilo 

-Lucas Gusanito

-Tamborines Chili powder



  1. Wash your cucumber. Keep in mind that the Pulparindo will not stick to your cucumber well if you peel your cucumber.  

  2. Unwrap Pulparindo rectangles and lay them side by side one on top of the other in two rows of 5. 

3. Roll the Pulparindos with a rolling pin or water glass to thin them out and so they stick together to make one large rectangle.

4. Wrap your cucumber with the large Pulparindo rectangles. 

5. Slice your wrapped cucumber into small circles.

6. Add your favorite toppings!

Other creative toppings you can use are fruits like  jicama, mango, or lime and also your favorite chips like Takis.  I would love to know if you made this recipe and what you thought about it!

You can also watch this recipe’s video on TikTok.

Stay tuned for more Breakfast Friend recipes and enjoy!


Quick Sincronizadas Recipe